Tree Crop Insights and Analysis
About the Technology
The Green Atlas ‘Cartographer’ system is a combination of advanced hardware and software technology that enables data to be collected very quickly from many trees. A configuration of high-resolution cameras, capable of taking several images per second, is mounted on a small all-terrain vehicle and driven between rows of trees. The cameras use high powered strobe lighting to enable penetration into the tree canopy, generating images that can be analysed to identify and count individual features such as flowers and fruit. At the same time, a LiDAR sensor records additional tree features such as canopy height, volume, density and leaf area.
The Trial
A local Green Atlas contractor, Crop Scan Tech, was engaged to deploy the Cartographer technology in two separate macadamia orchards in the Bundaberg area to assess multiple aspects of the technology’s efficacy.
This case study provides an overview of findings from the technology trials including:
- Background
- What the technology is
- How the trial was done
- Results
- Cost/benefit analysis
- Grower feedback
- Additional considerations that should be taken into account when deciding whether to utilise the technology
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Presentation of this case study is for information purposes only. It does not constitute a commercial endorsement by the stakeholders of the Bundaberg Agtech Hub.
Trials conducted by Hinkler AgTech Initiative
The CQUniversity Hinkler AgTech Initiative was funded through the Hinkler Regional Deal. The Hinkler Regional Deal is a collaboration between the Australian Government, Bundaberg Regional Council and Fraser Coast Regional Council.
CQUniversity will not be liable for any damage arising directly or indirectly from reliance on information obtained from this document. It is provided in good faith without express or implied warranty. * All published costs and other details are current as of February 2023.